
List of API Errors

This is the list of errors our API may produce. We strongly advise developers to log and analyze all API errors and take appropriate and timely action, like fixing bugs in your app and distributing updates to your users. We actively protect our API from "nonsense" requests, which, for example, produce the same error if the same request is repeated over and over again. This includes IP and subnet bans as well as account suspensions in some severe cases.

0Code 0 is for "no errors".
1ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXISTAccount authorization key not found in the system. Make sure you copied it correctly without spaces or tabulation signs.
2ERROR_NO_SLOT_AVAILABLENo idle captcha workers are available at the moment; customers should increase their maximum bid in the API settings in the client area or choose less busy hours to create tasks.
3ERROR_ZERO_CAPTCHA_FILESIZEThe size of the captcha you are uploading is less than 100 bytes.
4ERROR_TOO_BIG_CAPTCHA_FILESIZEThe size of the captcha you are uploading is more than 500,000 bytes.
10ERROR_ZERO_BALANCEAccount has zero or negative balance.
11ERROR_IP_NOT_ALLOWEDYou are not allowed to make requests from your IP with your current account key. Please refer to the IP list section located API settings in the client area.
12ERROR_CAPTCHA_UNSOLVABLE5 different workers could not solve the Captcha. Customers are charged for these tasks because our workers spend time performing them.
13ERROR_BAD_DUPLICATES100% recognition feature did not work due to an insufficient number of guesses.
14ERROR_NO_SUCH_METHODRequest made to API with a method that does not exist. This usually happens when programmers mistype method names.
15ERROR_IMAGE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTEDCould not determine captcha file type from its exif header, or the image type is not supported. The only allowed formats are JPG, GIF, and PNG. Images must have an EXIF header containing information about the image type.
16ERROR_NO_SUCH_CAPCHA_IDThe captcha you are requesting does not exist in your active captchas list or has expired. Captchas are removed from the API 60 seconds after the worker completes the task. During this period, your app should send all task result polls and correct/incorrect reporting requests.
21ERROR_IP_BLOCKEDYour IP is blocked due to improper use of the API. Check the reason here.
22ERROR_TASK_ABSENT"task" property is empty or not set in the createTask method.
23ERROR_TASK_NOT_SUPPORTEDTask type is not supported or is typed incorrectly. Please check "type" property in the task object.
24ERROR_INCORRECT_SESSION_DATASome of the required values for successive user emulation are missing. API output contains more details about what is missing.
25ERROR_PROXY_CONNECT_REFUSEDCould not connect to task proxy, connection refused.
26ERROR_PROXY_CONNECT_TIMEOUTCould not connect to task proxy, connection timed out.
27ERROR_PROXY_READ_TIMEOUTReading timeout of task's proxy
28ERROR_PROXY_BANNEDProxy IP banned by target service.
29ERROR_PROXY_TRANSPARENTTask denied at proxy-checking state. Proxy must be non-transparent to hide our server IP. Use our proxy checker tool to debug your proxy.
30ERROR_RECAPTCHA_TIMEOUTRecaptcha task timeout, probably due to slow proxy server or Google server
31ERROR_RECAPTCHA_INVALID_SITEKEYCaptcha provider reported that the sitekey is invalid.
32ERROR_RECAPTCHA_INVALID_DOMAINCaptcha provider reported that the domain for this sitekey is invalid.
33ERROR_RECAPTCHA_OLD_BROWSERCaptcha provider reported that the browser User-Agent is not compatible with their javascript
34ERROR_TOKEN_EXPIREDCaptcha provider server reported that the additional variable token has expired. Please try again with a new token.
35ERROR_PROXY_HAS_NO_IMAGE_SUPPORTProxy does not support transfer of image data from Google servers. Use our proxy checker tool to debug your proxy.
36ERROR_PROXY_INCOMPATIBLE_HTTP_VERSIONProxy does not support long GET requests with length about 2000 bytes and does not support SSL connections. Use our proxy checker tool to debug your proxy.
49ERROR_PROXY_NOT_AUTHORISEDProxy login and password are incorrect. Use our proxy checker tool to debug your proxy.
51ERROR_INVALID_KEY_TYPEPassed sitekey is from another reCaptcha type. Try to solve it as V2, V2-invisible, or V3.
52ERROR_FAILED_LOADING_WIDGETCould not load captcha provider widget in worker browser. Please try sending a new task.
53ERROR_VISIBLE_RECAPTCHAAttempted solution of usual reCaptcha V2 as reCaptcha V2 invisible. Remove flag 'isInvisible' from the API payload.
No workers left that were not filtered by the reportIncorrectRecaptcha method.
55ERROR_ACCOUNT_SUSPENDEDThe system has suspended your account for a significant reason. Contact support for details.
56ERROR_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUNDAntiGate template not found by name during task creation.
57ERROR_TASK_CANCELEDAntiGate task was canceled by worker. See "errorDescription" field for the cancellation reason.