
Bypass any custom captcha

This is the type of task where your app provides a page URL address and a custom assignment for our workers. They complete it step by step and then return their complete browser fingerprint and cookies to your app, which it can use to continue the session.

Potential usage examples of this type of task:

  • (Basic) Navigate to a page, ask worker to solve captcha and click a button "enter" text. Finish when a specified text phrase is found on the page.
  • (Advanced) Navigate to a page, fill text inputs with custom data, ask worker to solve a captcha. Navigate to a two-factor authentication page, wait for the code to arrive to your email, send this code to the worker, the worker automatically receives the code and enters a customer area. Finish when an element is found with a specified CSS selector.

Show a list of available workers actions.

For a full description of the technology please refer to this article, or this YouTube tutorial.

Note that there are optional proxy parameters. Only HTTPS proxies are accepted, and "proxyAddress" must be an IP address.

Task object

websiteURLStringYesAddress of a target web page where our worker will navigate.
templateNameStringYesName of a scenario template from our database. You can use an existing template or create your own. You can search for an existing template below this table.
variablesObjectYesAn object containing the template's variables and their values.
domainsOfInterestArrayNoList of domain names where we should collect cookies and localStorage data. This list can also be defined statically when editing а template.
proxyAddressStringYesProxy IP address ipv4/ipv6. No host names or IP addresses from local networks.
proxyPortIntegerYesProxy port
proxyLoginStringYesLogin for proxy which requires authorization (basic)
proxyPasswordStringYesProxy password

Templates collection

Template name and description
No templates found with your query

Task solution object

cookiesObjectAn object with cookies grabbed at the last page visited by a worker.
localStorageObjectSimilar to cookies, an object with localStorage values grabbed on the last page.
sessionStorageObjectSimilar to localStorage, an object with sessionStorage values grabbed on the last page. Unlike localStorage, values exist in the browser memory until the page is closed.
fingerprintObjectBrowser fingerprint parameters. Use them along with cookies and localStorage to recreate worker browser sessions in your software.
urlStringURL of the page where execution of the template was finished
domainStringDomain name of the final page
HTMLsInBase64ArrayAn array of HTML snapshots of the page areas encoded in base64. Snapshots are taken by "TAKE_HTML_SNAPSHOT_BY_SELECTOR" steps in AntiGate templates.
screenshotsArrayScreenshots taken from worker's browser, if any. To order screenshots, add a TAKE_SCREENSHOT step to your template.
requestHeadersArrayRequest headers from "domainsOfInterest", if any. To order headers, enable option "Collect request HTTP headers from domains of interest" in your template
responseHeadersArrayResponse headers from "domainsOfInterest", if any. To order headers, enable option "Collect response HTTP headers from domains of interest" in your template

Response example

    "errorId": 0,
    "status": "ready",
    "solution": {
        "cookies": {
            "_ym_uid": "1637841149407895406",
            "_ym_d": "1637841149",
            "_ym_isad": "2",
            "i18n_redirected2": "en"
        "localStorage": {
            "_ym40786994_lsid": "322553582843",
            "_ym40786994_reqNum": "3",
            "_ym_fip": "\"65aac1083a9e31e5db7fc4a33816f1da-a81f3b9bcdd80a361c14af38dc09b309-a81f3b9bcdd80a361c14af38dc09b309-4bd84c89c35a312599d807af285e7b5f-615e6e8d95ae2de0910b550b0e4dfce2-00b2e6de4e7f2e69dd7de8ef95c7338a-61b9878bbce18de73aafc8582a198c0c-33ad8703f96139d946191563a4c623e6-a81f3b9bcdd80a361c14af38dc09b309-c6d7b47b2dcff33f80cab17f3a360d0b-a95e7098ce4ab7ec9daa7fb4154b8ff4\"",
            "_ym_retryReqs": "{}",
            "_ym40786994_lastHit": "1637841164076",
            "_ym_uid": "\"1637841149407895406\""
        "fingerprint": {
            "self.navigator.userAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64; rv:94.0) Gecko\/20100101 Firefox\/94.0",
            "self.screen.width": 1280,
            "self.screen.height": 768,
            "self.screen.availWidth": 1280,
            "self.screen.availHeight": 728,
            "self.screen.availLeft": 0,
            "self.screen.availTop": 0,
            "self.navigator.vendorSub": "",
            "self.navigator.productSub": "20100101",
            "self.navigator.vendor": "",
            "self.navigator.maxTouchPoints": 0,
            "self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency": 2,
            "self.navigator.cookieEnabled": true,
            "self.navigator.appCodeName": "Mozilla",
            "self.navigator.appName": "Netscape",
            "self.navigator.appVersion": "5.0 (Windows)",
            "self.navigator.platform": "Win32",
            "self.navigator.product": "Gecko",
            "self.navigator.language": "en-US",
            "self.navigator.onLine": true,
            "self.navigator.doNotTrack": "unspecified"
        "url": "https:\/\/\/tutorials\/success-page?login=some%20login&pass=the%20password",
        "domain": "",
        "domainsOfInterest": {
            "": {
                "cookies": {
                    "example": "value",
                    "comment": "This will be available when you fill a list of Domains Of Interest in the template itself or via domainsOfInterest parameter in the task object"
                "localStorage": {
                    "example": "localStorage value"
                "url": "",
                "domain": ""
        "screenshots": [],
        "requestHeaders": [],
        "responseHeaders": []
    "cost": "0.00858",
    "ip": "",
    "createTime": 1637841143,
    "endTime": 1637841189,
    "solveCount": 0