
Anti-captcha documentation

Supported task types

API methods

createTask: create a task and receive its ID
getTaskResult: pull a task result by its ID
getBalance: request the remaining balance on your account
getQueueStats: retrieve real-time capacity statistics
reportIncorrectRecaptcha: report an unsuccessful reCaptcha token
reportCorrectRecaptcha: report an accepted reCaptcha token
reportIncorrectImageCaptcha: report image captcha text solution
reportIncorrectHcaptcha: report a failed hCaptcha token
pushAntiGateVariable: submit a variable value for AntiGate task
getSpendingStats: retrieve account spending statistics
test: debug your JSON POST requests with this method

API for partners and resellers

getAppStats: retrieve stats on how your app is performing in Anti-Captcha
sendFunds: send funds from your account to someone else's account
