
Anti-bot screen bypass

This type of task, our worker navigates to a web page of your choice, bypasses any anti-bot screen, grabs cookies, and returns them to your app. You can then use these cookies to freely navigate this website with your favorite programming language. To successfully bypass this kind of bot-catching page, you'll also need the User-Agent value of our worker's browser and provide us with a good quality proxy. Without proxies, this method won't work, as all anti-bot solutions match their cookies with the IP address of the visitor and their User-Agent.
Anti-bot screen example
What we grab on the final page:
  • Cookies
  • Browser fingerprint
  • Headers of a last HTTP request made from main window frame

This technology is built on our AntiGate templates technology, except that we manage templates ourselves and keep them updated. Using this type of task requires a subscription, of 5 credits for each task. Subscription prices start from $9.90 per month with 5,000 bypasses included. If you don't want to purchase one, you can build a template yourself with this tutorial and continue to pay from your balance at a cost of about $0.002 per task.

The entire process is controlled by a browser plugin, which our workers install before receiving assignments. They don't do anything manually. Basically, a new tab is opened automatically with your proxy enabled, it navigates to the page of your choice, waits until the anti-bot screen is passed, grabs data, closes the tab, and passes the data to your app via the API.

Only high quality proxies are accepted, no hostnames, no "residential proxies", no shared proxy pools. Renting a VPS in the USA/Europe and installing a SQUID server with our instructions will always work. Proxies are checked for speed and compatibility before executing tasks. They're response time must be fast, less than 1 second. Otherwise, workers will cancel your tasks.

Check whether a website has a supported anti-bot screen:

This one is not supported yet. Contact us to request support.

Note that some anti-bot screens use advanced fingerprinting techniques like SSL handshake fingerprinting, which can identify what kind of SSL/TLS client is connecting to the website. For example, the Chrome browser has one fingerprint, Firefox another, and cURL a completely different one. Don't confuse yourself with a User-Agent, that's on a lower level. In this case, to use our service, you must use the same browser instance to reconstruct our worker's session. As most of our workers use the Chrome browser, a bundle of NodeJS+Puppeteer+Chromium or Selenium+Chromedriver will do the job. Examples included.

Task object

websiteURLStringYesAddress of a target web page where our worker will navigate.
proxyAddressStringYesProxy IP address ipv4/ipv6. No host names or IP addresses from local networks.
proxyPortIntegerYesProxy port
proxyLoginStringYesLogin for proxy which requires authorization (basic)
proxyPasswordStringYesProxy password

Request example

#pip3 install anticaptchaofficial

from anticaptchaofficial.antibotcookietask import *
import requests

solver = antibotcookieTask()

# Specify softId to earn 10% commission with your app.
# Get your softId here:

result = solver.solve_and_return_solution()
if result == 0:
    print("could not solve task")


cookies, localStorage, fingerprint = result["cookies"], result["localStorage"], result["fingerprint"]

if len(cookies) == 0:
    print("empty cookies, try again")

cookie_string = '; '.join([f'{key}={value}' for key, value in cookies.items()])
user_agent = fingerprint['self.navigator.userAgent']
print(f"use these cookies for requests: {cookie_string}")
print(f"use this user-agent for requests: {user_agent}")

s = requests.Session()
proxies = {
  "http": "http://login:password@",
  "https": "http://login:password@"
s.proxies = proxies

content = s.get("", headers={
    "Cookie": cookie_string,
    "User-Agent": user_agent

Task solution object

cookiesObjectCookies from the page behind the anti-bot screen. Join them all together and use in your HTTP requests.
localStorageObjectSimilar to cookies, an object with localStorage values grabbed on the last page.
fingerprintObjectBrowser fingerprint parameters. Use them along with cookies and localStorage to recreate worker browser sessions in your software.
Use "self.navigator.userAgent" value as a User-Agent in your HTTP requests.
urlStringURL of the page where execution of the template was finished
lastRequestHeadersArrayLast request headers sent to the web site from the browser's main window frame.

Response example

    "errorId": 0,
    "status": "ready",
    "solution": {
        "cookies": {
            "some_antibotcookie": "0A8VO9NX5N1s4LRoS4sJlFTCNzLj0dEfA_2whUh0E6ZjgQtM~I1cV7U2IhQx0~jnowNjg-Oi76b-MjYPd1GQAmIxh5-v~33PI8F",
            "maybe_another_id": "join_all_cookies_together"
        "localStorage": {
            "some_value": "Might be used too in the future as a method to 'remember' visitors, so we collect it too.",
            "what_is_it": "localStorage is a more complex analogue of cookies, allowing to store larger objects in browser memory"
        "fingerprint": {
            "self.navigator.userAgent": "Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
            "self.screen.width": 1280,
            "self.screen.height": 768,
            "self.screen.availWidth": 1280,
            "self.screen.availHeight": 768,
            "self.screen.availLeft": 0,
            "self.screen.availTop": 25,
            "self.navigator.vendorSub": "",
            "self.navigator.productSub": "20030107",
            "self.navigator.vendor": "Google Inc.",
            "self.navigator.maxTouchPoints": 0,
            "self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency": 8,
            "self.navigator.cookieEnabled": true,
            "self.navigator.appCodeName": "Mozilla",
            "self.navigator.appName": "Netscape",
            "self.navigator.appVersion": "5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
            "self.navigator.platform": "MacIntel",
            "self.navigator.product": "Gecko",
            "self.navigator.language": "en-US",
            "self.navigator.onLine": true,
            "self.navigator.deviceMemory": 4
        "url": "",
        "lastRequestHeaders": [
            "sec-ch-device-memory: 8",
            "sec-ch-ua: \" Not A;Brand\";v=\"99\", \"Chromium\";v=\"101\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"101\"",
            "sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0",
            "sec-ch-ua-arch: \"x86\"",
            "sec-ch-ua-platform: \"macOS\"",
            "sec-ch-ua-model: \"\"",
            "sec-ch-ua-full-version-list: \" Not A;Brand\";v=\"\", \"Chromium\";v=\"101.0.5005.115\", \"Google Chrome\";v=\"101.0.5005.115\"",
            "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1",
            "User-Agent: Mozilla\/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit\/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome\/ Safari\/537.36",
            "Accept: text\/html,application\/xhtml+xml,application\/xml;q=0.9,image\/avif,image\/webp,image\/apng,*\/*;q=0.8,application\/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
            "Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin",
            "Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate",
            "Sec-Fetch-Dest: document",
            "Referer: https:\/\/\/",
            "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br",
            "Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9",
            "Cookie: some_antibotcookie=0A8VO9NX5N1s4LRoS4sJlFTCNzLj0dEfA_2whUh0E6ZjgQtM~I1cV7U2IhQx0~jnowNjg-Oi76b-MjYPd1GQAmIxh5-v~33PI8F"
    "cost": "0.00858",
    "ip": "",
    "createTime": 1637841143,
    "endTime": 1637841189,
    "solveCount": 0